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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This section answers the most common questions about our professional framing solutions. From photo and picture framing to more specialized services like memorabilia and artifacts framing, you'll find clear and concise information to help you make informed decisions. Our aim is to ensure your artwork and valuable items are preserved and displayed beautifully.

For further inquiries or personalized assistance, please contact our team via WhatsApp. Your satisfaction and the preservation of your cherished items are our top priorities.

    • We strive to offer you the framing process that is best for you, in all circumstances.
    • If you prefer running your entire framing process with us from home, we will easily converse with you by WhatsApp and/or phone to understand your needs, offer a solution, and share a quote. WhatsApp works very well because it offers the convenience and security of a written record (very useful to avoid any form of confusion on sizes and final framing decisions). As part of our standard pricing, we will come pick-up your artworks from your home and deliver your frames as soon as ready.
    • If you prefer to receive a framing advice in person face-to-face, and to choose your preferred frame-stick and mount-board colour with more assurance, you are more than welcome to visit us in our studio where our team will assist you. And we will deliver your frames to your homes once ready.
    • The time required for us to complete your frames can vary with the volume of work we are handling at times, the technical complexity of your frames, and occasionally the availability of materials used.
    • Typically, we will have your frames ready in a matter of 2 or 3 days.
    • That being said, we will always try to accommodate urgent framing requirements, for example for birthdays or events. You may simply ask, and we will do our best to commit upfront and deliver on the needer completion time.
    • The most affordable and cost-effective framing method consists of using ready-made frames. These are manufactured in large factories and are therefore the most economical option, if they exactly match your requirements
      1. We do not sell ready-made frames ourselves (we focus on making custom frames), but a good source of course is Ikea, other home furnishing chains, as well as community photo shops (for small sizes, ideal for photo portraits and certificates framing).
      2. Please note that not all Ikea frames for example are equal: some, which are made of MDF in particular (medium-density fibreboard: wood fibres compressed and assembled with wax and resin binder) are likely to bend over time, especially in humid environments (such as Dubai). Ready-made frames made of plain wood or metal however will remain stable over time. So if you find ready-made frames with the right robustness, design and size for your needs, do not hesitate.
      3. Ready-made frames almost always come with a pre-cut mount-board (passe-partout). If the size of the opening is not exactly right for you, we can make a new one for you.
    • If no ready-made frame serves your purpose, then it is our job to create a custom frame for you in the most economical way.
    • There are 4 main elements affecting the cost of a custom frame: (1) The type of frame-stick used, (2) the overall size of the frame, (3) the framing method, and (4) the quality of the material used.
      1. Type of frame-stick used
        • Frame-sticks can be very simple (for example with a rectangular in section shape of 2 cm wide by 3 cm deep), or complex (wider, deeper, with curvy shapes and moulding type decoration patterns). The simpler the cheaper of course.
        • Frame-sticks can be made of synthetic material or wood, and naturally synthetic material is cheaper while wood is more expensive, especially if one chooses to use special rare wood frame-sticks.
      2. Overall frame size
        • The larger the frame, the greater the length of frame-stick required, the larger the glass sheet required, as well as the mount-boards and all inner material used.
      3. Framing method
        • Framing a painting made on a canvas board can be very simple: all you need is a frame-stick all around the artwork, and a backboard. This can be quite economical.
        • However, when you frame a paper-based artwork, it is always recommended to add a mount board both for aesthetical and protection purposes.
        • You will also need a glass to protect the artwork from accidental drops of liquid falling onto the frame. Standard glass is the cheapest, but you may opt for a UV protective glass for fragile or collectible artworks. Such glass sheets are also non-reflective, which ads to the viewing comfort of the artwork.
        • A floating frame will require more material as well, starting with a mount board at the back of the artwork.
        • When framing a Jersey, a 3D artefact, or unevenly sized artwork, extra time is required to make sure the rendering is perfect. This consumes additional expert framer time.
      4. Quality of the material used
        • This is where unfortunately we cannot compromise much. Most frames are “used” for many years, sometimes are even passed from one generation to the next, therfore our standard range of materials is of lasting quality: all mount boards are acid-free, which prevents paper artworks to become yellow over time; all tapes and double-sided stickers (where required) are of special conservation framing grade, i.e., acid-free and removable.
    • In summary, in order to manage the cost of your custom frame tightly, start with a simple design, and only add size and complexity as is required (and worthwhile) to best showcase your artworks. Do not hesitate to let us know your main framing objective upfront: cost effectiveness, visual impact, preservation, or a combination thereof.
    • Feel free to challenge us: we can create and deliver very large frames if needed. We do have a set of large delivery vans, and we can always rent a special delivery truck for the delivery of exceptionally large frames.
    • The risk of your artworks being damaged while being framed is extremely low. Think of us as an airline whose safety protocols are designed to avoid any plane crash. Likewise, we have processes in place and our staff have developed artworks handling habits that minimize the risk of damage to almost nil.
    • We are therefore extremely careful with all artworks, small and large, paper or canvas, original or prints, etc., during initial handling, transportation, framing, and delivery.
    • To be sure, highly valuable artworks and collectibles are highlighted as such in our processes, so please let us know upfront if that is the case.