Bernard Menettrier de Jollin

Bernard Menettrier de Jollin was born in 1959, and geared to study science. He got his first camera in the 70’s and started taking photography as a serious hobby in 1974, in the days of films and dark rooms. His view of the world is distorted by his color-blindness, making him appreciate black & white and vivid colors. He enjoys street photography as well as documenting modern worlds through old photography techniques.
Bernard was awarded by the Royal Photographic Society (UK) at the "Photographer of the Year" competition in 2008, and. . . Show More >

Bernard Menettrier de Jollin was born in 1959, and geared to study science. He got his first camera in the 70’s and started taking photography as a serious hobby in 1974, in the days of films and dark rooms. His view of the world is distorted by his color-blindness, making him appreciate black & white and vivid colors. He enjoys street photography as well as documenting modern worlds through old photography techniques.
Bernard was awarded by the Royal Photographic Society (UK) at the "Photographer of the Year" competition in 2008, and was awarded the Gold Medal at the Al-Thani Award for Photography (Qatar) in 2011.
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