Tomás Castaño

Tomas Castaño was born in Santander (Spain) in 1953. He has a realistic style, his paintings are very well drawn and he also worries for the composition and perspective of his works. He is a landscape artist but characterized by his architectural work.
His work is characterized by a serene and poetic realism, which translates the artist's delight when he paints streets of old quarters, antique buildings and facades with tradition. His paintings catch the magic of the aesthetics of the antiques, and transmit. . .
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Tomas Castaño was born in Santander (Spain) in 1953. He has a realistic style, his paintings are very well drawn and he also worries for the composition and perspective of his works. He is a landscape artist but characterized by his architectural work.
His work is characterized by a serene and poetic realism, which translates the artist's delight when he paints streets of old quarters, antique buildings and facades with tradition. His paintings catch the magic of the aesthetics of the antiques, and transmit all the warmth and humanization of unprocessed environments by modern life.
He has shown his work in group exhibitions in several countries such as Germany, Netherlands, India, USA, Germany, Ireland, Rumanía, France, Portugal, Taiwan, México, Argentina, Japan, Italy, Korea and numerous solo and group exhibitions in Spain. Tomas Castaño works represented Cantabria in the Florence Biennale in the 2005 edition.
His work is recognized by the distinctive style and ambience that he creates in finishing his series of old taverns.
His works are in private collections of Spain, México, Taiwán, Canada, United Kingdom, India, France, Puerto Rico, USA, Grecia, Portugal, Costa Rica and Korea
In 2012 he was invited by The General Electric Company, USA to take part of the exhibition GE's 2012 Hispanic Heritage Month Art Exhibition.
He was invited by the Bellarte Gallery Seoul-Korea to participate in the Ibero-American Art Fair Seoul 2012 and 2013, showing his work along with works of the prestigious artists such as Fernando Botero, Oswaldo Guayasamin, Rufino Tamayo and Roberto Fabelo.
In 2015 it was selected to exhibit in the most important event in Asia ART REVOLUTION TAIPEI 2016 (Taiwán). He has been selected as a finalist for Art Revolution Taipei Competition 2017, 2018 and 2019, obtaining the Gallery award in the last edition. In 2021 he will be at this important fair as a guest artist.
- May – ART REVOLUTION TAIPEI- Guest artist.
- Mar-Apr GET ART MUSEUM- Taipei
- Oct.- XIII Ruta de l’Art – Castelló de Empuries
- Dec.- Galería Este- Santander Colectiva Navidad
- Oct- Solo exhibition “El Corte Inglés”-Santander
- Aug.- Galería Este- Santander Colectiva Verano
- Apr.- Exhibition Finalist Work ART REVOLUTION TAIPEI-Taiwán
- May.- Exhibition Finalist Work ART REVOLUTION TAIPEI-Taiwán
- 22 jan- 14 feb – BRUNO ALONSO FOUNDATION - Solo exhibition
- 4 -20 Feb..-"GET ART MUSEUM" Taipei –Taiwan
- 11 Feb- 3 Mar – Memoria de las Ciudades- Exp. Individual en Espacio Garcilaso- Torrelavega (Cantabria)
- 4-17 Abr. – ART REVOLUTION TAIPEI- Taiwan
6 Ago- 4 sep Románticos de la Cerveza- Galería Sharon Art- León
4Mar-15Apr.-"GET ART MUSEUM" Taipei -Taiwan
21- 25 apr. - ART REVOLUTION TAIPEI-Taiwán
- 9 a 12 de oct- 8ª Ruta de l’Art- Castelló d’Empuries-Girona
- 1 al 15 de oct - Espacio NauART –Barcelona (Colectiva)
- 8 de Sep-9 de Oct- Galería Cincomonos-Barcelona (Individual)
- 8 al 14 de junio “ LAOTRA Galería “ Cl. José Palafox 11-ZARAGOZA
- Mayo 2015 ”La última década“ GALERIA LA ESPIRAL- JEREZ DE LOS CABALLEROS (Badajoz)
- 20 April - 16 May 2015 International Exhibition: 'Landscape and Memory'.JOHNSTON FARNHAM GALLERY
- Cavan town (Ireland)
- 19 a 27 de Septiembre-Project Berlin 2014 (Obra seleccionada)
- 19 de Agosto al 19 de Septiembre "ARTE ESPAÑOL" Museo de Arte de Ploiesti-Rumanía
- Junio-Julio Obra seleccionada XXI Bienal Cangas No Morrazo- Pontevedra
- 4 a 30 de Abril- Fiarte V Edición- Churriana de la Vega- Granada
- 4 a 30 de Abril- Sala RRM- Madrid
- 28 Mar a 12 de Abril- Feria Internacional. De Arte de Granada
- 12 Feb a 1 de Mar. – Galeria Montsequi- Madrid
- 20 al 26 de enero .CARAVAN STATION –Santander
- 12 Dic. A 15 de Enero – Sala RRM- Madrid
- 30 Oct a 3 Nov.2013- Ibero-American Art Fair - Hamgaram Art Museum - SEOUL-KOREA
- Sep-Nov. 3 Mostra PORTO 2013
- EX-POSITION 2013 -Maia- PORTO (Portugal).
- ADOLFO DOMÍNGUEZ Foundation - colectiva “La Ciudad”- Madrid, Spain.
- DEARTE – Medinacelli – Soria, Spain.
- Plural Out Project - Vila Nova de Cerveira (Portugal).
- Vivearte 2013 – Art Gallery María Nieves Martín-Villafranca de los Barros-Badajoz, Spain.Ibero American Contemporary Art-Ara Art- Seoul-Korea.
- Ibero-American Art Fair - Hamgaram Art Museum - Seoul, Korea.
- EMMA Art Gallery -“Paisajes Urbanos” Tomás Castaño and Emilio Sotomayor, Madrid, Spain.
- V Ruta de l'ART - Castelló d'Empuries (Girona) Spain.
- 19ème Salon des Arts Visuels de Poitiers – France.
- GE's 2012 Hispanic Heritage Month Art Exhibition. Fairfield, Ct (USA).
- KONTRASTE Art Gallery - Westfalia (Erwitte-Horn)-Germany.
- Colectiva "Bienvenidos" - Goyart Art Gallery – Madrid, Spain.
- Colorida Gallery – Lisboa, Portugal.
- Este Art Gallery – Santander, Spain.
- 2ª Mostra de Porto, Porto – Portugal.
- Second Festival Internacional D'Art de " Hauts Du Val de Saône" France.
- ARTERIA Gallery-Monzón, Huesca, Spain.
- FIARTE-Granada, Spain.
- Cultural ADOLFO DOMINGUEZ Zaragoza, Spain.
- Goyart Art Gallery Madrid, Spain.
- NADAL D'ART Nuriart Art Gallery- Alcanar – Tarragona, Spain.
- Feria Internazionale de Agrigento / Sicilia, Italy.
- Palazio de Villa Barile Caltanisstta / Sicilia.Italy.
- Colectiva GOYART -AAPGA – Zaragoza, Spain.
- Colectiva Veranearte Sharon Gallery- León, Spain
- Obras seleccionadas Premio ciudad de Palencia- Fundación Díaz Caneja, Palencia, Spain.
- Castellón en Arte II Edición- Castellón de la Plana, Spain
- AEDAL Art Space, Valencia, Spain.
- Este Art Gallery “Pequeñas Joyas del Realismo” , Santander, Spain.
- De Cal y Canto-Homage to Rafael Alberti-Cultural Center Alcazaba. Mérida, Spain.
- XVII Salón Visual de las Artes- Poitiers, France.
- San Antón Art Gallery- Pamplona, Spain.
- Kromatikamente Parlando Forte Michelangelo di Civitavecchia- Roma, Italy.
- Castellón en Arte – Castellón de la Plana, Spain.
- De Cal y Canto – Homage to Rafael Alberti – Ateneo de Cáceres, Cáceres, Spain.
- Montsequi Art Gallery, Madrid, Spain
- Colectiva 20x20 Este Art Gallery, Santander, Spain.
- Hesperia-Pomezia Gallery – Roma, Italy.
- Art Vs Walls – Berlin, Germany.
- II Ruta del Arte – Castelló d’Empuries-Girona, Spain
- “Remembranzas” Sharon Art Gallery – León, Spain
- Palacio del Rey- San Vicente de la Barquera, Spain
- Art22 Girona Art Gallery, Girona, Spain.
- Art Fair and Spanish Products – WINEART- Berlin, Germany
- Fivars Galleries, Paris, France.
- beART/CABE – Monzón Huesca, Spain.
- Colectiva de invierno Este Art Gallery-Santander, Spain.
- Art Fair Mint Green. New Delhi-India
- II Art Fair ARTZ – Zaragoza, Spain.
- Espacio36 Art Gallery- Zamora, Spain
- Akros Art Gallery Bilbao, Spain
- Colectiva de Verano Sharon Ar Galleryt-León, Spain
- “Añoranzas” Hotel Palacio del Mar-Santander, Spain
- Fermoselle y Los Arribes- Centro de interpretación de Los Arribes - Casa del Parque-Fermoselle (Zamora), Spain
- Exposición en la Cumbre Mundial del Agua-Expo Zaragoza 2008, Zaragoza. Spain
- Wineries Fariña-Toro (Zamora) – Obras seleccionadas III Certamen “El primero del Año”, Zamora, Spain.
- Artear Art Gallery- Zaragoza, Spain
- Art Gallery San Vicente-S.Vicente del Raspeig (Alicante), Spain.
- Este Art Gallery,Santander, Spain.
- ArtZ 2007 – Zaragoza Art Fair, Zaragoza, Spain
- III Muestra Internacional de pintura “Patios de Córdoba” Hotel Averroes-Sala de Arte (Córdoba), Spain
- Este Art Gallery-Santande, Spain.r
- Sharon Art Gallery– León, Spain
- ALTEA Art Gallery- Madrid, Spain.
- Feria Internazionale di Arte Agrigento, Sicily, Italy.
- 1 Meeting of Realistic painting – Gélida , Barcelona, Spain.
- FOURNIER Art Gallery-Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
- International Art Fair of Monzon, Monzon, Huesca, Spain
- 1 Meeting of Realistic Painting – Olessa, Barcelona, Spain
- MARZIART Art Gallery – HAMBURG, Germany.
- PADEQUART Art Gallery-RIBES DE FRESER , Girona, Spain.
- PUIGCERDA Art Gallery-Puigcerdá-Girona, Spain.
- LA ESTELA DE CANTABRIA Art Gallery-Santander, Spain
- SHARON Art Gallery- León, Spain.
- SALVI ARTE Gallery-Gijón , Spain.
- Madrid Independent Art Fair, Madrid, Spain.
- Sala Castro Cultural Center La Residencia-Castro Urdiales, Spain.
- Galerrry Arte Espacio 1029- Palermo Soho- Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Colectiva Amigos del Realismo-Castillo del Rey-San Vicente de la Barquera, Spain
- “Desde la Hispania”-Romania Embassy ,ROMA, Italy
- II Contemporary Art Fair of Arevalo, Avila, Spain.
- ARTERIA 2005- Monzón Art Fair, Monzon, Huesca, Spain
- Aires Art Gallery, Córdoba, Spain.
- Esart Art Gallery , Barcelona, Spain
- Casa de la Provincia-Buenos Aires (Argentina)
- L’Atelier Art Gallery, -Olot , Girona, Spain.
- Santiago Casar Art Gallery-Santander, Spain.
- Infantas Art Gallery, Madrid, Spain
- III Salón Internacional ACEA`S, Barcelona, Spain.
- Colectiva Amigos del Realismo – Castillo de Santa Ana – Roquetas de Mar, Spain
- I Contemporary Art Fair of Arevalo, Avila, Spain.
- Colectiva Amigos del Realismo – Museo de las Claras – Plasencia, Spain
- “Kyoto Mugen-ten “ Nishi-Honganji. Kyoto, Japan
- Nouvelles Tendances Figuratives-Galeries Artitude, Paris, France
- International Art Fair of La Hague, La Hague, Holland
- “Annta Art Gallery” – Madrid, Spain II
- 2020- Segundo premio “Ruby Award” Art contest Animals-Artgalleryring
- 2020- First Prize "Mattia Preti" de la Academia dei Bronzi-Catanzaro- Italia
- 2019- Finalista Art Revolution Taipei-Taiwan (Premio Galería)
- 2018 - First Prize American art Award- Still life
- 2018- Finalista Art Revolution Taipei-Taiwan
- 2017- Finalista Art Revolution Taipei-Taiwan
- Dic. 2016 Finalista Art Revolution Taipei- Taiwan
- 2015 -ARTSLANT New York - 1st 2015 Showcase Winner - Category: painting-II
- Junio 2014- Obra seleccionada XXI Bienal Cangas No Morrazo- Pontevedra
- 2011 Finalist work Prize Ciudad de Palencia of Artistic Creation.
2011 1st prize AEDAL ( Asociación de Emprendedores de las Artes y las Letras)-Valencia
2008 1 st prize III prize “El primero del año”- Fariña Wineries-Toro, Zamora,
2004 1st Prize Figuración Núcleo Urbano- XIV Saló Internacional d’Arts Plástiques Acea’s- Barcelona
2004 1 st Prize XXV Certamen Nacional de Pintura del Ayto. de Villanueva de Villaescusa
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